– Bodhi Creations

සබ්බ දානන් ධම්ම දානං ජිනාති ~ සියළු දානයන්ට වඩා ධර්ම දානය උතුම් වේ

අප බෝධි ආයතනයෙන් නිර්මාණය කරන ආගමික නිර්මාණ ඔබට මිලදී ගෙන. ඔබ නිවසේ හෝ ආයතනයේ නැතහොත්
වියාපාරික ස්ථානයේ තැම්පත් කිරීමටත් ඒවගේම හිතවතුන්ට උපන්දින තෑගි වශයෙන් තම දෙමාපියන්ට සිහිවටනයක් විදිහටත් ලබා දියහැක …!

Thurulie Agroya

Importing & distributing of agriculture equipment.
Producing fruit plants & seedlings.

Thurulie Agroya

Mango Fruit protection bag will give a quicker and better growing and increase the harvest. Protecting the vegetables, strawberries and plants against frost, snow, rain, heat or damaged caused by creeps, pests and birds. Also it will increase the growing temperature and extend the growing season.

Thurulie Agroya

Mango Fruit protection bag will give a quicker and better growing and increase the harvest. Protecting the vegetables, strawberries and plants against frost, snow, rain, heat or damaged caused by creeps, pests and birds. Also it will increase the growing temperature and extend the growing season.

Fruit Protection Bags

1. Protects plants from harmfully solar radiation ripens vegetation of plants 2. Protects plants from pests and weather
3. Protects plants from warm up during sunny days
4. Protects plants from freeze and improve thermal condition during cool days
5. Not allow to create a steam and decrease a risk of many illness
6. Under cover is created a favourable microclimate blocks weed growing 7. Air permeability , water permeability 8.UV treated
9. Mothproof, eco-friendly, breathable, anti-bacteria, tear-resistant, fusible

Thurulie Agroya – Buy Now

Mango Fruit protection bag will give a quicker and better growing and increase the harvest.
Protecting the vegetables, strawberries and plants against frost, snow, rain, heat or damaged
caused by creeps, pests and birds. Also it will increase the growing temperature
and extend the growing season.

Fruit Plants

Buy Mango, Guava & Promegranete plants from Thurulie Agroya.

Fruit Plants

Buy Mango, Guava & Promegranete plants from Thurulie Agroya.

Fruit Plants

Buy Mango, Guava & Promegranete plants from Thurulie Agroya.

Thurulie Agroya – Gallery

Mango Fruit protection bag will give a quicker and better growing and increase the harvest.
Protecting the vegetables, strawberries and plants against frost, snow, rain, heat or damaged
caused by creeps, pests and birds. Also it will increase the growing temperature
and extend the growing season.

Thurulie Agroya

Mango Fruit protection bag will give a quicker and better growing and increase the harvest. Protecting the vegetables, strawberries and plants against frost, snow, rain, heat or damaged caused by creeps, pests and birds. Also it will increase the growing temperature and extend the growing season.

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